If you're just joining me, this is "Craft Fair-ology," my regular feature on helpful tips and hints for selling handmade goods at craft fairs.
What you like might be different from what other people like, but it's guaranteed that you will do your best work if you are doing what you love and showing in a way you like instead of copying someone else's style. When you are at craft fairs, take a walk around and note what you like that the other vendors are doing. Make sure you're using them for inspiration rather than directly copying them, because you always want to make sure you make things you're own. When you have a chance, jot down all your ideas and think about what you do with your time and space.
Most of all, be patient with yourself. The most well put together booths didn't happen overnight, and I have spent the better part of 4 years perfecting mine, and I am always improving.
For more craft fair advice, read the rest of my Craft Fair-ology posts.
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