Clothes: all thrifted, necklace: Favoring Brave
It's so interesting to be in this new role as teacher to young students. They enliven me, they continuously surprise me, but most of all they inspire me with what they are asking to know and understand. But it's still a little foreign to be in a position like this, even if it's just the fact that I have a bunch of sweet little girls calling me Ms. Jill.
It's also interesting to try and figure out what to wear to teach. I know that I'm going to be teaching some movement and I want them to be able to see my motions and be comfortable, but I also want to be myself. This is one of those outfits that seemed to do that pretty well.
And since I'm teaching acting I'm working on being dramatic...
... and graceful for musical theater....
And whaddya think of my new necklace? It hits my Etsy later today so be on the lookout for it!