Thursday, September 18, 2014

welcome to the bookerie II

So August 2nd of this year I opened a second shop. I know, crazy. But after uh, two minutes of going to work with my then 7 week old son at our matchbox sized original store I knew the writing was on the wall. Either I quit working in the store completely and just made stuff at home (which was the scenario I opened the first shop to avoid originally) or I needed a new place that was more constant-companion friendly. Like the Tardis. But I digress. I started looking for a space when I was about 5 weeks postpartum and the building owners I talked to were all like, "You just had a kid and now you want to do what?" Crazy, I know.

But after a surprisingly short search, I found a space that was perfect. It was the right size, had an open back room for dedicated studio space, and a little corner nook room to be the little guy's own special playroom. The price was right, the landlords are a darling couple excited to see me succeed, and everything seemed to be laid out right in front of me. The sweet, sweet lady that covered my maternity leave was willing to take over management of our Tulsa store (which has so many wonderful and loyal customers we knew we didn't want to close it unless absolutely necessary) and so that settled it. Baby and I would be the new owners of a shop in small town Oklahoma - Sapulpa, to be exact. 

Above is our front window reading space and below are snaps of the rest of my space. I am so in love with it. I will be posting a studio tour soon too!


  1. Wow, that looks so cool!!

  2. oh, i love everything about this, jill! what a blessing to be able to open a second store and bring your little guy into your creative space everyday. i truly wish i'd had a chance to visit your store in downtown tulsa when i was there in may, but hopefully i'll be able to the next time i'm in tulsa!

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